
Official Conference Hotel

The I-Hotel and Conference Center

1900 South First Street, Champaign, IL 61820

A contemporary designed four-star property featuring 125 hotel room accommodations in Champaign, Illinois. The I Hotel and Conference Center is located on the south campus of the University of Illinois in the heart of The Research Park. The adjoining 38,000 square foot state-of-the-art Illinois Conference Center features two large ballrooms and ten conference rooms.

The I-Hotel provides complimentary breakfast and shuttle service from/to the University of Illinois Willard Airport.

outdoor view of moderately-sized hotel

$122/night + tax (Delux King or two Queen)

I-Hotel Reservations

Click the button above to reserve a room or dial 1-217-819-5000 to reserve by phone and use the Discount Code TALS2020

This rate is available through January 10th or while supplies last.  BOOK EARLY.  ROOMS WILL SELL OUT QUICKLY!



The Illini Union

1401 West Green Street, Urbana, IL, 61801

Overlooking the Quad, the Illini Union is one of the historic facilities located centrally on the University of Illinois campus. The Union offers easy access to dining and shopping along Green Street (the main street on the University of Illinois campus).

outdoor view of moderately-sized hotel


$104/night + tax (Full Size), $109/night + plus tax (Queen or King). No charge for the 2nd guest. $10 charge for 3rd and 4th guests.

Click the button to make reservations online at the Illini Union:

  1. The Illini Union Reservations
  2. Click on “Book Now” located upper left of page
  3. The screen below appears.
  4. Fill in dates and other info.
  5. Way at the bottom, click on the circle of the “Group Booking Code.”
  6. Fill in our group booking code: TALS 20
  7. Click on “Check Availability”.


website form used to reserve a room


This rate is available through January 10th or while supplies last.  BOOK EARLY.  ROOMS WILL SELL OUT QUICKLY!

Guests who stay at the Illini Union Hotel receive a complimentary $5 breakfast voucher redeemable at any of their two participating dining partners (Einstein Bros. and Bagels and Qdoba). The Union does not provide complimentary shuttle service from/to the University of Illinois Willard Airport.

The CILRA and TALS conference will provide complimentary shuttle service from the Union to the I-Hotel but guests staying at the Union will need to take a taxi/Uber from the University of Illinois Willard airport.


两会指定酒店- I-Hotel

地址:1900 South First Street, Champaign, IL 61820




I-Hotel提供免费早餐和往返于伊大威拉德 (Willard)机场和I-Hotel之间的免费班车服务。

outdoor view of moderately-sized hotel

价格:每晚122美元 (不含税),酒店税是房价的14%。客房有特大床(King)房或者两张大床(Queen)房两种。

The I-Hotel房间预订





备用酒店- The Illini Union


地址:1401 West Green Street, Urbana, IL, 61801



    The Illini Union位于伊大校园中心,是伊大校园内历史最悠久的建筑之一, 始建于1939年。宾客置身于该酒店内可俯瞰伊大主校园。该酒店距伊大校园主街 – 绿街仅一步之遥,绿街上同时也分布着各国风味餐厅,商店和休闲服务设施。

outdoor view of moderately-sized hotel

价格:普通双人床(Full Size)-标准间每晚104美元(不含税),大床(Queen)或特大床(King)房每晚109美元(不含税)酒店税是房价的14%。如果一间客房内有两位客人,则无需额外费用;如果一间客房内有三位或四位客人,对超出的每一位客人加收10美元。


The Illini Union网上预订具体步骤:

  1. The Illini Union房间预订

  2. 点击页面左上角 “Book Now”
  3. 预订页面将会弹出 (请见下图)
  4. 填写入住日期及其他信息
  5. 在此页面底部请点击 “Group Booking Code”按钮
  6. 在Group Booking Code的方框内输入TALS20
  7. 点击 “Check Availability”

website form used to reserve a room


在The Illini Union酒店入住的客人可免费获赠价值5美元的早餐券,客人凭此消费券可在两家The Illini Union酒店的餐饮合作店Einstein Bros. Bagels和 Qdoba Mexican Grill店内消费,这两家餐厅均位于The Illini Union内。The Illini Union提供往返于该酒店和伊大威拉德 (Willard)机场的免费班车服务。如果客人计划入住The Illini Union,则需要自行乘坐出租车或优步(Uber)往返于伊大威拉德 (Willard)机场和The Illini Union。


为了方便参会者,CIRLA和TALS组委会将提供从The Illini Union到会场I-Hotel的免费班车服务。


两会指定酒店- I-Hotel

地址:1900 South First Street, Champaign, IL 61820




I-Hotel提供免费早餐和往返于伊大威拉德 (Willard)机场和I-Hotel之间的免费班车服务。

outdoor view of moderately-sized hotel

价格:每晚122美元 (不含税),酒店税是房价的14%。客房有特大床(King)房或者两张大床(Queen)房两种。

The I-Hotel房间预订





备用酒店- The Illini Union


地址:1401 West Green Street, Urbana, IL, 61801



    The Illini Union位于伊大校园中心,是伊大校园内历史最悠久的建筑之一, 始建于1939年。宾客置身于该酒店内可俯瞰伊大主校园。该酒店距伊大校园主街 – 绿街仅一步之遥,绿街上同时也分布着各国风味餐厅,商店和休闲服务设施。

outdoor view of moderately-sized hotel

价格:普通双人床(Full Size)-标准间每晚104美元(不含税),大床(Queen)或特大床(King)房每晚109美元(不含税)酒店税是房价的14%。如果一间客房内有两位客人,则无需额外费用;如果一间客房内有三位或四位客人,对超出的每一位客人加收10美元。


The Illini Union网上预订具体步骤:

  1. The Illini Union房间预订

  2. 点击页面左上角 “Book Now”
  3. 预订页面将会弹出 (请见下图)
  4. 填写入住日期及其他信息
  5. 在此页面底部请点击 “Group Booking Code”按钮
  6. 在Group Booking Code的方框内输入TALS20
  7. 点击 “Check Availability”

website form used to reserve a room


在The Illini Union酒店入住的客人可免费获赠价值5美元的早餐券,客人凭此消费券可在两家The Illini Union酒店的餐饮合作店Einstein Bros. Bagels和 Qdoba Mexican Grill店内消费,这两家餐厅均位于The Illini Union内。The Illini Union提供往返于该酒店和伊大威拉德 (Willard)机场的免费班车服务。如果客人计划入住The Illini Union,则需要自行乘坐出租车或优步(Uber)往返于伊大威拉德 (Willard)机场和The Illini Union。


为了方便参会者,CIRLA和TALS组委会将提供从The Illini Union到会场I-Hotel的免费班车服务。

Official Conference Hotel

The I-Hotel and Conference Center

1900 South First Street, Champaign, IL 61820

A contemporary designed four-star property featuring 125 hotel room accommodations in Champaign, Illinois. The I Hotel and Conference Center is located on the south campus of the University of Illinois in the heart of The Research Park. The adjoining 38,000 square foot state-of-the-art Illinois Conference Center features two large ballrooms and ten conference rooms.

The I-Hotel provides complimentary breakfast and shuttle service from/to the University of Illinois Willard Airport.

outdoor view of moderately-sized hotel

$122/night + tax (Delux King or two Queen)

I-Hotel Reservations

Click the button above to reserve a room or dial 1-217-819-5000 to reserve by phone and use the Discount Code TALS2020

This rate is available through January 10th or while supplies last.  BOOK EARLY.  ROOMS WILL SELL OUT QUICKLY!



The Illini Union

1401 West Green Street, Urbana, IL, 61801

Overlooking the Quad, the Illini Union is one of the historic facilities located centrally on the University of Illinois campus. The Union offers easy access to dining and shopping along Green Street (the main street on the University of Illinois campus).

outdoor view of moderately-sized hotel


$104/night + tax (Full Size), $109/night + plus tax (Queen or King). No charge for the 2nd guest. $10 charge for 3rd and 4th guests.

Click the button to make reservations online at the Illini Union:

  1. The Illini Union Reservations
  2. Click on “Book Now” located upper left of page
  3. The screen below appears.
  4. Fill in dates and other info.
  5. Way at the bottom, click on the circle of the “Group Booking Code.”
  6. Fill in our group booking code: TALS 20
  7. Click on “Check Availability”.


website form used to reserve a room


This rate is available through January 10th or while supplies last.  BOOK EARLY.  ROOMS WILL SELL OUT QUICKLY!

Guests who stay at the Illini Union Hotel receive a complimentary $5 breakfast voucher redeemable at any of their two participating dining partners (Einstein Bros. and Bagels and Qdoba). The Union does not provide complimentary shuttle service from/to the University of Illinois Willard Airport.

The CILRA and TALS conference will provide complimentary shuttle service from the Union to the I-Hotel but guests staying at the Union will need to take a taxi/Uber from the University of Illinois Willard airport.